Monday, February 22, 2010

Pumice and Drilled Tomatoes

Scene: Dinnertime; kitchen. Preparing meal of grilled salmon and salad. I have just opened a bag of Multigrain Chips and opened a new tub of Hummus with Dried Tomatoes. My brother and I are busy getting food ready, setting the table, munching on chips and hummus. Dad enters. He immediately spots and homes in on the bag of chips. Dad has built-in radar for food. He is a superior forager.

Dad: Hey! What's this?!
Nobody answers. There's no point. He'll help himself anyway and figure it out. Next, Dad spots the tub of hummus.
Dad: Hey! What's THIS?!
Me: Hummus.
Dad: Pumice??! (Dad is shouting. It's the hearing loss. He frequently shouts when he gets excited.......which is usually over food.) This can't be pumice! Come on! It's pumice???
Me (not shouting): Hummus.
Dad: That's what I said, Pumice!
Me: No. H-H-Hummus. (I exaggerate the H sound.)
Dad (carefully repeating): H-H-Hummus? What's that? (As he scoops a chip into the tub. point in answering.) Oh mmmmm! That's good! What is this again? (He picks up the tub, pulls his visor down, reads the label. My brother and I just watch.
This is exactly how he reads the label:
"Humus ("Hyoo-mus"...... as in dirt) With Drilled Tomatoes"
Then he corrects himself.
Dad: Oh no wait, Dried, not Drilled. Dried Tomatoes. "Hyoo-mus" huh? Hmmmm, that's good! "Hyoo-mus!" Oh yah!
He kept scooping and rescooping, each time repeating with such gusto, "HYOO-MUS, MMM-MM! HYOO-MUS, MMM-MM!

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