Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Rare Uneventful Day

When you live with elderly, very elderly parents, most every day includes at least one minor crisis. You get used to it. You feel pretty good if you have a quiet half-day after troubleshooting through a couple of little crises in the morning. What constitutes a crisis? Before I moved in with my parents it was logical stuff--a car accident, a house fire, a theft, a death, a near-death. But when you're over eighty, at least with my parents, a crisis is having no bananas for breakfast the next morning, forgetting how to use the TV remote, not getting the Time magazine in Saturday's mail, not getting the newspaper, or, in my mother's case, running out of cottage cheese.

So, I am happy to report that today: there were plenty of bananas and cottage cheese; the Time magazine WAS in Saturday's mail; both Sunday newspapers were delivered this morning; and the synapses that connect my mother's brain to the hand that operates the TV remote were apparently all firing just fine.
Yep. A rare uneventful day.

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