Thursday, December 25, 2008

the "urinal" log

Dad, who has only one "good " ear hobbled into the kitchen this morning, amid my Christmas cooking, preparing, whipping, baking, etc. I was in the middle of making my flourless yule log. My father LOVES food, of any color, shape, or smell. So, consequently, whenever I cook, he's the first in the kitchen, sniffing around, wanting to know everything about everything I'm preparing. Hence the following conversation:
Dad: What're ya makin'?
Me: It's for dessert, Dad.
Dad: Well.........(my father begins most of his sentences with "Well", followed by a long pause) what is it? It looks very complicated. (Anything involving more than warming up in the microwave is complicated for my dad.)
Me: It's a yule log.
Dad: A what?
Dad: A urinal?
And for the next few seconds I'm LOL-ing, Mom too.
Then I repeat slowler this time:
Me: No. A Yuuuule LLLLLog.
Dad: That's what I said, Urinal.
More laughing.
Me: No. YYYYYYYule. LLLLLLLog. (And I distinctly pronounce this into his good ear, the right one.)
Dad: (Then the realization...) OHHHHH! A Yule Log!
Me: Yesssss!
Dad: It looks complicated.
Then he toddles out, tells me I should hang a sign on the kitchen that says, "Keep Out, Danger Zone." But before he clears the kitchen doorway, he turns and shouts back, "Make sure you put plenty of frosting on the Urinal.

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