Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have mixed feelings about dumpsters.
On the one hand, thanks to the rented dumpster that sets just outside the barn as I type: hundreds of boxes of "stuff" have been eliminated; the daunting task of sorting through all the "things" that Mom and Dad have carted around for the past fifty years (or more) is complete; my ToDo List is significantly shorter.
On the other hand, I can't help but visualize the local landfill where now, all of the umpteen photos, musty linens, broken picture frames, and ancient memorabilia I tossed into the dumpster are but tiny trivial specks scattered over the sea of who-knows-how-many-other-people's unwanted "stuff."
But back to the first hand.......thanks to the convenience of a dumpster, I imagine pieces of the electric blanket I used when I was five have been shredded by some enterprising sea gull and used for nesting material. That seems fitting.
But back to the other hand......I have a little trouble with the idea of voracious beetles gnawing away at the pages of my mother's fifth grade scrapbook, or the edges of that really old photograph of the unidentifiable-woman-in-the-really-great-hat. Then again, beetles have to eat.

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