Sunday, October 23, 2011

Crazy Or Not So Crazy? That Is The Question.

Don't bother to remind me about how I used to crave silence. Don't even try to tell me about how I used to complain and gripe about Dad constantly engaging me in conversation. That was then; this is now.
Now.........I talk to my dogs.
A lot.

This afternoon, for example, I practiced a monolog from Titus Andronicus (I know. A bloody Shakespearean tragedy of all things) in front of a captive audience of one--one curiously-enthralled-but-ultimately-indifferent bulldog by the name of Emily.
Emily sat, and watched (Really, she did. She actually watched. See the photo of her at top of the post? That's exACTly how she looked!), and like any polite audience member, she remained sitting as I worked on the monolog, line by line, word by word, trying this inflection and that inflection. Sadly, like too many audience members, she sat expressionless, giving me virtually nothing by which to gauge my effectiveness, or lack thereof.

But back to my original point--the whole conversing with the animals bit.

So yes......I now chat with my dogs. I'm thinking (hoping?) this is normal. I'm thinking (hoping?) this is common. Let me be clear. I am NOT talking about a casual rhetorical comment thrown out to one or both dogs from time to time. Nooooooononono.
I'm talking about........a conversation.
Granted, they don't words.
But I HAAAVVVEEEE conversations with them.
I tell them what I'm thinking of doing that afternoon, or the next day.
I share my feelings about the movie I've just watched, or the article I just read.
Apparently they know that I'm addressing them.
They look me right in the eyes!
They cock their heads when I pose a question to them, rhetorical or otherwise. If they're paying attention, is it so wrong to engage them in simple conversation? I mean........we're not discussing world politics here. And it's not like I'm asking their permission to go anywhere or do anything (cuz that WOULD be a little crazy).

No, our conversations run more along the lines of, "Oh look at the carpet girls. It looks a little mufty (my word). Maybe I should vacuum. What do you girls think?"
Okay, okay, so maybe that WAS asking permission...

Or....."OK girls, I'm running out to the store. I'll be back soon. Do you need anything?"

oh shit.


  1. When I lived alone, I never talked to my cats. Never, I tell you. Never at all.

  2. You lie through your teeth Louise.

  3. A boyfriend once asked if I'd consider getting rid of my cats. "Well," said I, "They've never lied to me, cheated on me or left me. Let's see how you're doing in a couple of years." I still live with and talk to the animals. I rest our case.
