Friday, August 19, 2011


My brain is mush. The whirlpool of change has sucked me in, pulled me under, and I am swimming like a crazy person to keep my head above water. Notice the lapse between now and my last post. There's a reason for that.

Thursday August 25 in my planner is marked--Dad --> San Diego.
Thursday September 1 in my planner is marked--Day 1 House Listed.
Sunday September 4 in my planner is marked--Take Mom to SeaTac--11:20am to San Diego.

Yup. Mom and Dad are relocating to SoCal. A more central location, closer to the bulk of the family, a break for me, less strain on Dad's pension, the opportunity for Mom and Dad to live together--all remarkably sensible and logical reasons.

I have a ToDo list that is longer than I am tall. I'm numb. I don't know how to feel. I wonder when I will.

Dad gives me big hug at least once a day and tells me how much he's going to miss me, and the mountains, and the trees, and the dogs. I tell him he'll be able to get great Mexican food whenever he wants. A feeble attempt to bolster his enthusiasm.

1 comment:

  1. I'm here. So you and mom are flying - I'll be glad to take you and pick you up. Or if mom's flying and being escorted I'd be honored to drive you two to the airport and bring you home. love, deb
