Sunday, July 4, 2010


Well, the visit home with the Mom and the occupational therapist went splendiferously. Better yet, I was able to drive Mom back to the nursing home without tears or hysterics. So....big "whew" for that.

Now it looks like Mom is finally coming home on Wednesday. I was in her room this morning to tidy up, visualizing the new routine with the commode which is positioned right next to Mom's bed, and see where the new ceiling-to-floor Transfer Pole should go. I noticed the empty birdfeeder hanging outside the window and made a mental note that I need to remember to fill it up before Wednesday. Then I glanced over at the wall to the right of the window, where Mom's framed degree from Northwestern hangs. Next to that, a plaque that the four of us kids made for her on her 60th birthday. Below that, the ceramic vase of blue silk flowers. And to the left of the flowers, a framed document that I suddenly realized I've ever really noticed before. I know it's been there, but I don't ever recall really reading it. So I walked in closer for a better look.

It's a beautiful silver and gold scrolled 11" x 13" frame. The top of the document, printed in what looks like a Lucida font, reads "In poetry and fairy tales, swans are a symbol of enduring love." Then it goes on to talk about how swans are mated for life, how they exhibit an undying commitment and devotion to each other, etc. etc. The bottom says, "Stanley and Patricia Fleener; In commemoration of their 60th Wedding Anniversary, September 16th; 1943-2003."

I'm thinking maybe this was a gift from my sister or one of my brothers. I'm not sure. And I can't believe I've never noticed it before. Funny how and when things happen, because as soon as I read the Swan Document, I thought of a moment that happened at the nursing home yesterday...

Dad, Mom, and I were sitting under the skylight at the nurse's station of the nursing home, soaking in the rare afternoon sunshine, and watching all of the typical post-lunch nursing home comings and goings. Mom was in exemplary spirits yesterday. Seriously. Joking with the nurses, commenting on this and that nurse, and randomly interjecting how excited she was to be coming home on Wednesday. Dad's right hand was resting gently atop Mom's left hand on her wheelchair's armrest.
Then Mom all of sudden blurted out, "Ohhh I'm so excited to come home!"
To which Dad replied, patting her hand, "Well honey, we're excited too!"
There was a short pause before Mom kind of moaned and pouted, "I don't like it when we're apart."
Dad didn't hear that one the first time, so Mom had to repeat it, louder, which got the attention of a couple of the aides and nurses standing behind the big desk at the nurse's station.
And Dad, bless his heart, didn't miss a beat. I'll be darned if that big ole' softy didn't lean over to Mom, take hold of her hand in both of his and say, "But honey, don't you know? We're never apart, because you're always in my heart. "


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