Thursday, September 1, 2011


As long as I can remember, my parents have had, on the kitchen counter right next to the sink, one of those little rubber-coated-wire gizmos that you fit a quart-sized, clear, plastic bag into. It's for "wet" garbage--bones, peels, apple cores, melon rinds, meat scraps, etc. When it's full they just knot the bag and......and this is one of the things that makes me crazy about it.......toss it into the big plastic trash bag. Plastic in plastic. Makes every carbon-footprint in my bones shudder. As far as I know, the rubber-coated-metal-holder gizmo is the original one Mom got at the store at least twenty years ago.
Those of you who know "where I'm at" currently in terms of what's going on in, will understand the next bit.
Ten minutes ago......I walked into the kitchen, stopped, stared at that gawdawful, disgusting, rubber-coated-wire gizmo. Just stared it down. I observed that it was full. I's always full. I realize on top of that's always BEEN full. In fact, I realize yet again.......I don't think I've ever seen it empty for more than 10 seconds. Full. Full. Full. Of garbage. Garbage. Garbage. Detritus. Debris. Shit. Gar-Bage. G.D.M.F.C.S. garbage.
So I walked very calmly over to the sink, picked up the whole works, the G.D.M.F.C.S. rubber-coated-metal-holder gizmo and the Garbage inside it, and I tossed it....dropped it really, for the last time in anybody's life......into the large plastic trash bag.
Eeeeyup. I done tossed the garbage.

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